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Renee Dubay Exits WTMX

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Posted by chicagomedia.org on April 07, 2008 at 16:27:03:

Renee Dubay Exits WTMX For 'The Big O'

BONNEVILLE Hot AC WTMX (101.9 THE MIX)/CHICAGO midday talent RENEE DUBAY has resigned to return home for mornings at NRG MEDIA Rock AC KOOO (THE BIG O 101.9)/OMAHA, NE. RENEE's last day at WTMX is FRIDAY (4/11).

She teams up with KOOO's sister Modern AC KQKQ PAT & JT Morning Show Producer TOMMY O using her previous market name "ALLISON STEELE." "THE BIG O MORNING SHOW WITH ALLISON STEELE & TOMMY O" hits the air on MONDAY APRIL 21st.

This leaves WTMX PD MARY ELLEN KACHINSKE searching for a new midday talent. According to KACHINSKE, "This is an incredible opportunity for a talented communicator to follow such a consistently dominant morning show like ERIC & mHY and work for a wonderful company like BONNEVILLE INTERNATIONAL." Check out the posting at www.wtmx.com and send your samples and resumes to WTMX HR Godess AMY WICKLUND at [email protected]. Or mail them to WTMX, One Prudential Plaza #2700, CHICAGO, IL 60601.

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